Friday, May 9, 2008

your just too...BLONDE

Why is it always the things you want you can never get!

The context I am referring to is hair!

I am a dyed blonde head, and my goodness it soooo hard to achieve and be satisfied with the shade of blonde your hair has become! While speaking with my hairdresser on my visit yesterday, he too agreed (being a dyed blonde himself) that blonde is the most difficult colour to work with. Thus, it takes a couple years (and I am not exaggerating) over bleaching and toning and more bleaching and toning, to be entirely satisfied! (that your money has been worth haha!). I am still only half-satisfied with the shade of my hair and it has been just over 1.5 years since I began my transition from brunette to blonde.

...Is this merely a natural act of being a human (or maybe a woman) always doubting that something does not look quite right on yourself, instead believing and admiring others to have it better than you...even hair!

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