Sunday, March 16, 2008

Addictive Qualities

I have this weird addiction with Ebay.

Not an addiction with buying items, but rather an addiction of finding attractive fashion items and saving them under 'My Favourites'.
AlthoughI never seem to take the time (or at least remember) to actually bid on the items.
Well on the odd occasion I sometimes buy!

One of my friends said she also does the same thing. I think I do this (and probably many others) since we know we are unable to freely spend our money on everything but instead still like to have a browse and save items just in case.

In a sense, its just like window shopping.

Below I have posted some images of recent Ebay favourites!

Pedro Garcia Boots

Alexander Wang Cashmere Dress

Thread Social Mini Dress

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Split me in two

People can be quite strange at times.
Moods and
All come into play.

One on one situations/conversations in comparison to interaction
with a group of people, always seems to be different!

Such changes may be caused due to different circumstances, relationships between people
used simply as a way of protecting ourselves.
Its such a puzzle for one to digest.

Does one evitably change their personality to suit the likes of others? or
Is it a subconscious decision one is not aware of?

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

First & Foremost

To begin...


These were some of the feelings that clouded my mind when my
Citizen Journalism teacher told us that we will be creating a blog.

I guess I will never experience unless I try!

Till next time...